My German in-laws would not say one word about the past, however when they both passed away, we found two huge boxes of letters, journals, and pictures that documented every day of WWII for them. We also found 100 years of old family documents to prove they were Aryan in accordance with the Nuremburg Laws. For the last ten years, we have figured there was one person in the family history who had converted from Judaism and that person had saved those who came after from certain death, but we coul…
After my parents passed away, I discovered a letter written to my grandfather in 1930 from a nephew who lived in Germany. (My grandfather had immigrated in the 1890s). Because the letter was handwritten and in German, it was impossible for me to make out many of the letters/words; therefore, I looked for a way to get it translated. When I searched for someone reputable, I came across the website for SK Translations and after debating for a long time about the expenditure, as well as, dealing …
She has ample knowledge of the German and English languages and a very good command of technical terminology and a great feel for language. She is very reliable and can also translate very large volumes of words and still meet her deadlines. Without any reservation, I am glad to highly recommend Katherine for any German into English and English into German project.
“She’s an awesome teacher about a difficult subject. I only wish she could have given an advanced class.”
“Captivating, knowledgeable, FULL of useful information”
Just got home to find this treat in my inbox. I am thrilled to read the words my [ancestor] Christopher read; that he felt deeply enough to quote. Great job on the translation.
“Excellent presenter, super helpful info. Entertaining and informative. Loved the examples. Loved the “test” at the end.”
“She was engaging in her presentation; very knowledgable about her topic, easy to follow, gave a lot of good information and examples. She has been my favorite speaker for Wednesday and Thursday.”
“Great communication skills, engaging and went over important details and info. Slides were excellent.”
“She knew her topic and presented it in a manner I could understand. Her presentation was above and beyond my expectations.”