Hi Sandy. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us today! Can you tell us how long you’ve been doing German genealogy and what got you started?
I started genealogy for a few reasons – my Grandmother showed me her old family pictures and I was very curious about those ancestors of mine. Plus my Dad was a great story-teller.
When needing help with words, I use WordMine.Info (I learned about “Hangman” from one of Katherine’s webinars).
I also use www.abkuerzungen.de for those pesky abbreviation issues. I also like to use https://www.font-
For research I frequently use ancestry.com and familysearch.org, among many others.
Those are all great sites – thanks for sharing! Speaking of tips, what would be your #1 genealogy tip you’d share with others?
Keep digging (researching)! New items and resources keep popping up.
So true! Finally, what is one way in which the Premium membership has helped your research?
I have so many!
A big help was the Premium article on abbreviations because i had come across some abbreviation problems in one of my document. I was really delighted when our Premium Facebook Group discussed some abbreviation issues awhile back and I could add those to my abbreviation collection.
I print many of the SK Translations articles and include those in my translation help binder. I also copy many of the words and translations of those words from our Premium Facebook group for that same binder.
I’m so glad to hear that everything has been helpful for you. Thanks for sharing your story with us, Sandy!
Check out our other Premium Member Highlights and their fascinating genealogy stories. And be sure to give them a comment if what they have to share has helped you, or if you like their family stories!
- Michele Dambach (A special trip to Germany with her German-born father…_
- Janis Keough (A missing count in the family…)
- Alex Tolksdorf (Russian soldier, some cherries, and a toilet…)
- Nina Gafni (Uncovering the past, even when it is painful…)
- Debra Hoffman(The unbelievable story of a found postcard…)
- James Beidler (Planning a family reunion in only three days…)
- Maria Mueller (Meeting a new cousin and not realizing it…)