Free Master List of 70+ German Records Websites

Are you searching for information about your German ancestors? 

Do you wish you had someone to help you along the way?

This guide is for you! Our free Master List of German Records Websites include links to over 70 professional genealogy websites tailored for researching your German-speaking ancestors,  no matter what region they came from. Prussia, Germans from Russia, present-day Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Alsace- Lorraine, and more are all included.

This is our MOST POPULAR resource to get you started on your German genealogy journey.

Start uncovering your family’s past today. Click the download button on the right to download instantly!

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Meet Katherine Schober, Founder of Germanology Unlocked

Katherine Schober is German-English genealogy translator, author, and dedicated educator. As the founder of Germanology Unlocked, she brings over a decade of professional experience to her mission of helping individuals uncover and preserve their German family stories.

Katherine specializes in deciphering old German handwriting, offering a range of services that include expert translations, engaging webinars, and in-depth classes and workshops. Her expertise has made her a sought-after speaker at major national genealogy conferences such as RootsTech, the International German Genealogy Partnership Conference, National Genealogical Society, and more. 

Her contributions to the field have been featured on the History Channel and PBS’ “Finding Your Roots,” where her deep knowledge of the German language and her passion for genealogy come together to make the exploration of your family history both exciting and rewarding.

Join Katherine on this exciting and fun journey to connect with your past and discover the rich stories of your ancestors.

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